Unser TV-Scout Alex hatte ja im Sommer die US-Doku-Soap “Top Recruiter” aufgetan, bei der Recruiter in unterschiedlichen Wettbewerben gegeneinander antreten. Inzwischen läuft die zweite Staffel – wieder in Miami mit viel Pink, Türkis, Palmen, Cabrios und was sonst noch so zum “Sunshine State” Florida gehört. Wie man hört, ist die dritte Staffel bereits in der Planung und das “Top Recruiter”-Team schielt nach Deutschland. Chris LaVoie, Creator und Executive Producer der Serie wünscht sich ausdrücklich eine deutsche Kandidatin für die nächste Staffel und hat uns dazu einige Fragen beantwortet:
WMS: Recruitment – who or what brought you to this topic? Chris: One of the businesses that I own, for the past 15 years, has been in the advertisement/ marketing in the recruitment space. I have many friends within the space so I have learned and been inspired by them throughout the years.
WMS: You’re now producing the next season of Top Recruiter. Is this the first time the series leaves the US for casting? Chris: We did go abroad for season 2 and will do it again for season 3. We believe that maintaining a global perspective on the show has taken it from good to awesome!
WMS: What feedback did you get there? Chris: The feedback we’ve received from everyone here and abroad has been truly remarkable. I have not heard one single negative thought about this global perspective on Top Recruiter. We live in a much smaller world than our previous generations and we mustn’t ignore that!
WMS: Why Germany? Do you have any special expectations in German recruitment agents? Chris: We aim to have Germany’s professionals represented in our own little “recruitment olympics,” know of any? If so, send them over to www.toprecruiter.tv we will commence our audition screening very soon.
WMS: Are there remarkable differences? Chris: There is in fact a very remarkable difference between season 1 and season 2. That difference is immensely attributed to the global representation on season 2 that was not in season 1. Everything from life in the mansion, to behind the scenes, to communication styles to the very approach to recruitment was different because we had representatives from different nationality backgrounds. What we truly found amazing was the love and respect that was a direct product from having worked together. We just made the world a little smaller yet, at least for these cast members. We all found life long friends… that is undeniably remarkable- and it was all because of this show.
Warum es ausgerechnet eine deutsche Kandidatin sein soll, wissen wir zwar immer noch nicht, aber er scheint es ernst zu meinen! 😉 Also Mesdames, wer seine German-Recruiting-Skills in Miami vor der Kamera unter Beweis stellen möchte, möge sich hier für die kommende Staffel bewerben! Viel Erfolg, wir werden einschalten! 🙂 Und wer sich mal anschauen möchte, was ihn bzw. sie erwartet:

Pic: Top Recruiter (C)